Thursday, July 27, 2023

Hastings-Sunrise Bagel Sandwich from Rosemary Rocksalt

It's my 4th team lunch at my current work, and our co-founder chose a bagel. I ordered from Rosemary Rocksalt because they're in Uber Eats.

I ordered Hastings-Sunrise with Rosemary Rocksalt Bagel and a side of potato wedges.

Hastings-Sunrise with Rosemary Rocksalt Bagel

The tender brisket between a toasted salty bagel, melted cheddar, and soft egg is the perfect sandwich hitting all textures. I enjoyed it.

Potato Wedges from Rosemary Rocksalt

The potato wedges arrived soggy after 20 minutes of delivery time. It's still impressive, though. You can see that it's real potatoes.

Facing North

I ate my lunch on the rooftop of the building with the gorgeous view of lush mountains and blue skies. Thank God for all the blessings.

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