Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Moroccan Chickpea Kale Soup and Hammer Time Sandwich from Kafka's

Happy Tuesday! It's raining, and I am alone in the office. I didn't want to leave the building, so I grabbed soup and a sandwich from Kafka's downstairs.

The Moroccan Chickpea Kale Soup is a soul-warming concoction that expertly blends Moroccan spices and the nourishing essence of kale. With every spoonful, you'll experience the rich, earthy notes of cumin, coriander, and turmeric. The tender chickpeas add a delightful creaminess to the broth, while the kale introduces a fresh, leafy bite. It's a flavorful journey that'll warm your heart and belly. There were also sausage slices for protein. Yum!

Moroccan Chickpea Kale Soup from Kafka's

For sandwiches, only the Hammer Time is available. The star of the show is the high-quality ham, which boasts a smoky, savoury taste that complements the rich, velvety texture of the egg. Nestled between two slices of freshly baked bread, it's a satisfying and robust breakfast option to kickstart your day with gusto.

Hammer Time from Kafka's

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