Monday, August 28, 2023

Chicken Sun-Dried Pesto Wrap from Blenz Coffee

My husband has a teaching demo this evening. He might teach part-time at the university I graduated from, God-willing. Since I didn't want to disturb him during his demo, I decided to hang out at Blenz Coffee after work.

For dinner, I chose the Chicken Sun-Dried Pesto Wrap. According to the barista, she just made it, which is fantastic. It has a generous amount of chicken, and I also tasted green leafy vegetables (maybe spinach?), but not a strong taste of pesto or sun-dried tomatoes. However, it's one of the better wraps in Blenz.

Chicken Sun-Dried Pesto Wrap from Blenz Coffee

I am also eyeing the Dacarons and might grab some next time.

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