Monday, August 7, 2023

Mocha and Matcha Latte from Bean Around The World Coffee

Ah. Monday long weekend means no work. ♥️ However, I received a Slack private message from my manager in a different country and timezone reminding me to call customers. 🤔 It seems she forgot that we're on a banking holiday in Vancouver.

We went to Bean Around The World this afternoon along Granville Street between 13th and 14th Avenue. While typing this, I'm enjoying my bitter mocha and taking a bite of an almond croissant - flaky and soft. I'm also trying for the first time a bourekas. It has a nice chew to it.

Coffee Date with my husband at Bean Around The World

The mocha is more potent than I'm used to, so I'll probably end up tossing and turning tonight. We'll see.

I hope you're having a lovely BC Day holiday (or whichever holiday you celebrate today).

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